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Posted by Gary Labels:

The thing about giving up desires for God is that... they don't magically disappear. When you give something up, there's a 99% chance that you'll feel its absence or have to simply make do without it. If this were not so, then doing the right thing would only be what is profitable. Ah, the question of whether true altruism exists... does my life not revolve around it...?

The thing I've noticed about burdens is that they don't actually grow lighter over time even when shared, sometimes. Yet, over time, they feel lighter. This is not because the burden shrinks but because the pressure of holding it makes us stronger. I send this note to someone I know who is going through a tough time in her life. I wonder if she would accept such compassion from me. Probably not, but it's worth a shot, I say.

To all my non-readers out there: please keep CD in prayer. His apt was robbed yesterday while he was at work. He lost his laptop, DVD player, and my Playstation2 which I so foolishly left there by accident a few weeks ago.

He's doing alright, though, and I want for him to move to somewhere safer. I think he realizes now that he has to move elsewhere.